The Opsona Journey Series

“I was twelve when my world had been taken away—stolen by Vondorian and his twisted morals. As a prisoner of the vampires I gazed out of the tower cell into the darkening night. Black hills of deep green stretched on for miles disappearing into an ominous shadowed forest, mountains formed on every border enclosing the vampire cities. Here, blanketed in eternal twilight is where they lived, deep in the Underworld Realms. Even in all my sorrow and despair I stood silent, awed by the magical terrain. I had never seen a land more stunning—a wonder trapped in the depravity of darkness. A twilighted beauty I grew to love.”
~ Serenity ~

Welcome Travelers

Dive into the fantasy world of Tentusa and the Seven Provinces. Where epic battles are a daily occurrence, and demons, vampires and other nightmarish things lurk in the shadows. Don’t worry, the Opsona will protect you and the mortal plane.

The Opsona

A race created by one of the seven righteous gods, made without darkness or “un-tainted” as is the term. Their purpose is to protect the plane of mortals and keep tainted souls (demons, vampires, devils, ect.) in the Underworld planes, while serving their god. The world often appears black and white to them, fierce nomadic warriors that will do anything to complete the task put before them. There are no saints among the Opsona.


Pride of the Vampire Nation, they’re an army of elite warriors with one goal. Glory and conquest for their Nation. For generations they have tried and failed to conquer the mortal world, the Opsona are always there to make sure they never succeed, but times changes. Now with Lord Vondorian’s cunning rule and his powerful weapon by his side the Opsona face a greater threat than losing the mortal planes.


Lord Vondorian

One of four Vampire Lords of the Nation, he’s responsible for creating the Vamdari and conquering the mortal plane, but his agenda goes far deeper. Handsome beyond measure, cunning, smooth, and sensually devious Lord Vondorian is everything a vampire should be. He’ll entice you to leave your morals behind.

General of Vamdari Army

The definition of strong female protagonist, Serenity has her own way of doing things. A former Opsona, Vondorian murdered her family and took her in, making her into a power vampire warrior. Raising fast among the vampire ranks, Serenity devoted her life to her Lord until she was struck down in battle. Coming back from near death has changed her, awaking the mortal voice of a conscience inside her. Now she struggles between her former Opsona duties, and the allure of her own darkness.


A Vamdari loyal to only Vondorian, Ryder leads her own special group inside the Vamdari. A brutal and heartless warrior who despises Serenity and the special treatment Vondorian gives her. Ryder follows her Master’s owners without question, but takes every opportunity to kill Serenity. By Accident, of course.

The Shadow Wander

Half-Opsona, half-Crepus Vali Rebros (shadow demon race) Cret has struggled to find where he belongs. His demon brethren wish to kill him on sight, while the Opsona purposely conspired in his creation for one reason. To kill Serenity, the powerful vampire general. It’s the only reason his mother was not murdered upon his conception, and allowed to give to a half-breed such as him. Despite to please the Opsona he’ll do anything they ask, even kill the woman he loves.

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